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Deep Skin Acne Cleanser

Micronized BPO Gel Cleanser 10%

  1. Clinically proven non-irritating Micronized USP grade Benzoyl Peroxide penetrates deep within the pores to immediately fight the acne-causing bacteria, clearing the skin and preventing breakouts.



Can it be use for all skin types? Yes.

How do I apply? Minimum twice a day on desired area of the neck, face and chest, massage into the skin then rinse well.

Does it work for Acne? Yes, face and body, papular or cystic.

Does it heal scars? additional products , sun protection must be enforced to heal and prevent scars

  • How to Apply

    Apply: Cleanser over entire face and work into by lathering well, avoiding eye area. Rinse with water and pat dry. Can be used twice daily or as directed by physician. If going outside, use a sunscreen. If irritation or sensitivity develops, discontinue use and consult with physician.

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